Fisher Family Genealogy

WELCOME! This site describes my efforts to chronicle my FISHER family roots beginning with Abel and Rachel (HOOWE) FISHER of Ireland. A short history of the family after immigrating to the US in 1753 can be read here. Another interesting history is found in Mathias Fisher's Revolutionary War service declaration that details his service in the war and as part of the ill-fated Lochry Expedition. The document is noteworthy because it is one of the few accounts of the expedition by an actual participant and contains some details not found in other accounts. In 1781, Colonel Archibald Lochry led a force of Pennsylvania militiamen down the Ohio River to attack Indian villages in Ohio to stop their raiding of Pennsylvania frontier. On August 24, the force was ambushed and defeated by Indians assisted by the British near present day Cincinnati, Ohio. More than half of Lochry's men including the General died in the battle or were executed immediately afterward. The rest including Mathias were taken prisoner. Many never returned home. Mathias was held for several months as an Indian slave. He was then sold to the British at Detroit, taken over Niagara Falls, and imprisoned near Montreal, Canada. In July, 1782 Mathias, with four other survivors of the expedition, escaped. They made their way through the wilderness first to Governor Chittendon's home in Vermont. The Governor gave them food and clothing and sent them on to General George Washington's headquarters in Newbury, Massachusetts where they reported the fate of the expedition, and were finally allowed to return home. An amazing and harrowing journey of some 2300 miles and 13 months for the 23 year old Mathias. Mathias was not the only adventurer in the family. Fisher's helped settle the West and have served in every major war. While few have been famous, all have led interesting lives. Enjoy the site! Stephen Contact Us