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State of Illinois, McDonough County.} Ss
Clerk's Office, County Court
The People of the State of Illinois, To any regular Minister of the Gospel authorized to Marry by the Society to which he belongs, Justice of the Supreme Court, Judge, or Justice of the Peace, GREETING:
These are to License and authorize you to celebrate and certify the MARRIAGE of Mr. John A. Dougherty and Miss Margaret Fisher and for so doing this shall be your sufficient Warrant.
WITNESS, J. H. Baker, Clerk of the County Court of said County, at Macomb, this eighth day of October A.D. 1860.
J. H. Baker CLERK.
I hereby certify that I joined in the HOLY STATE OF MATRIMONY, Mr. John A. Dougherty and Miss Margaret Fisher on the Fourteenth day of October in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty.
Given under my hand and seal this Fourteenth day of October A.D. 1860
D. J. P. Eld U B C (Seal) |