 | J. C. Fisher auctions farm equipment to leave Kansas 1912 "Having sold my farm preparatory to leaving the state, I will sell at public auction at the J. C. Fisher farm. 6 miles north and 2 miles west of Burlingame and 1 mile west of Prairie Centre church..." Appears that the Fisher's left Kansas for land he purchased near Marbelton, WY in Sep 1911. |
 | Obituary: Effie Jessie Fisher 1917
 | Effie Fisher quite ill 1917 "Effie, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fisher, has been quite ill for three weeks with liver trouble." |
 | Obituary: Marion Fisher 1913.
 | Effie Fisher birth 1902 "J. C. Fisher reports the arrival of a nine-pound baby girl at his home on Thursday, May 15th." |
 | "Mr. and Mrs. J. S. (should be J. C.) Fisher were very pleasantly surprised on Saturday evening, August 16th, by a number of relatives and friends calling on them, in honor of the tenth anniversary of their marriage." |
 | Edith Fisher serenades the Craig family "Mrs. W. A. Craig and family were very pleasantly surprised last Thursday evening by a jolly crowd from Prairie Center. One delightful feature of the affair was the serenade by little Edith
Fisher. On arriving she sang " Those Evening Bells," just outside the window, and a sweeter child's voice one seldom hears." |
 | Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Graff fifteenth wedding anniversary celebration 1899 "The reception given at Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Graff's on Saturday evening, July 1st, in honor of their fifteenth wedding anniversary was a grand success....The names of those present were as follows: Messrs. Wm. Firestone, Simmie Firestone, Joe Fisher, Wm. Shipley, Joseph Yingling, Edward Barns, W. C. Royer, Mrs. Belle Firestone, Miss Ethel Firestone, Mrs. May Fisher, Mrs. Rosa Shipley, Mrs. Sarah Yingling, Miss Olive Barnes, Miss Josie Tucker, Miss Eva Masts, Mrs. Rebecca Shipley, Mrs. Mary A. Hover, Marion Fisher, Edith Fisher, A. Lenoir Shipley, Ilah Yingling, Willie Fisher." |
 | Joe Fisher buys pool hall 1913 "Joe Fisher has purchased the Peters billiard and pool hall."Shortly after, Joe begins to spruce the place up. The Burlingame Enterprise reports on 24 Apr 1913 that Joe Fisher buys a electric player piano for the pool hall. |
 | Joe Fisher buys land in Wyoming 1911 "Joe Fisher and Frank Shipley have purchased land in Yyoming (Wyoming)." Frank Shipley was apparently brother-in-law to Joseph's wife Katie Porter Fisher; i.e. Katie's sister married Frank. Per the Burlingame Enterprise, the Shipley's move to Big Piney, Wyoming shortly after. Per the following article from the 24 Oct 1912 issue of the Burlingame Enterprise , the Fisher's land was located in Marbelton, Wyoming which is adjacent to Big Piney. |
 | Joe Fisher family returns from Wyoming 1912 "Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fisher and children returned Sunday from Marbleton, Wyoming, and will remain here until spring." This article suggests the Fishers spent only one summer in Wyoming on the land Joseph purchased in 1911, after selling his farm in Burlingame in Feb 1912. In Jan 1913 Joseph buys the Burlingame pool hall and he and family appear repeatedly in the local Burlingame news from 1913 on, suggesting they remained in Burlingame from 1913 on. |
 | Mother Hoskinson at Rest 1899 Another reprint of Martha's 15 Apr 1899 obit in the The Waycross Journal, this version with some extra info pertinent to Burlingame readers: "Deceased was a sister of Mrs. Clara Roberts, of Grand Haven, and resided for a number of years on the R. B. Beckes farm in that neighborhood." |