Fisher Family Genealogy

 Cemeteries and Headstones in Kentucky, USA

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
Headstone Willie Kaylor
Headstone Willie Kaylor
Located  Sec-E Lot-128 Grv-1  KAYLOR, William (d. 5 Oct 1922)
Headstone: George A and Edith M Kaylor
Headstone: George A and Edith M Kaylor
Located  Sec-L Lot-911 Grv-1 and 2  BRIDGES, Edith M. (d. 1999)
KAYLOR, George A. (d. 19 Nov 1957)
Headstone: James Milton Clift
Headstone: James Milton Clift
Located  ec-E Lot-24 Grv-1  CLIFT, James Milton (d. 14 Dec 1933)

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
Headstone: Sarah Jane Newman
Headstone: Sarah Jane Newman
Located    ROGERS, Sarah (d. 14 Aug 1944)

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
Headstone: Rose Mary Ward
Headstone: Rose Mary Ward
Located  Section 11  WARD, Rosemary (d. 15 May 1942)
Headstone: Willie Cooper
Headstone: Willie Cooper
Located  Section 6  WARD, Willie Ann (d. 14 Nov 1990)

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
Headstone: Allen and Sarah Fritts Ward
Headstone: Allen and Sarah Fritts Ward
Located  Section: C-1 Lot: O Grave:72  FRITTS, Sarah B. (d. 28 Jun 1930)
WARD, Allen (d. 14 Sep 1931)
Headstone: Allen B. and Mae Williams Ward
Headstone: Allen B. and Mae Williams Ward
Located  Section 45, Lot 247, Grave 1  WARD, Allen Bertrand (d. 2 Dec 1958)
WILLIAMS, Lida Mae (d. 16 Apr 1978)
Headstone: Cleo Matilda Ward
Headstone: Cleo Matilda Ward
Located  Section O, lot 187  ATKERSON, Cleo Matilda (d. 11 Jun 2000)
Headstone: Grover Reed
Headstone: Grover Reed
Located  0, 0, 1213  REED, Grover (d. 1 Jul 1926)
Headstone: Jesse A. and Bettie S. Baker
Headstone: Jesse A. and Bettie S. Baker
Located  Section: 1 Lot: 68  BAKER, Jesse Allen (d. 24 Apr 1951)
WARD, Elizabeth S. (d. 6 Apr 1962)
Headstone: John and Isbinda Kaylor Clift
Headstone: John and Isbinda Kaylor Clift
Located    CLIFT, John B (d. 1923)
KAYLOR, Isabinda (d. 4 Apr 1930)
Headstone: Joseph Edward and Ida Belle Clift Stipp
Headstone: Joseph Edward and Ida Belle Clift Stipp
Located  Section: 45 Lot: 306 Grave: 1  CLIFT, Ida Belle (d. 12 May 1962)
STIPP, Joseph Edward
Headstone: Mary Alice Clift Atkerson
Headstone: Mary Alice Clift Atkerson
Located  Section 44, Lot 13  CLIFT, Mary Alice (d. 10 Nov 1959)
Headstone: Mary Elizabeth Ward Baker.
Headstone: Mary Elizabeth Ward Baker.
Located    WARD, Mary Elizabeth (d. 13 Jun 1914)
Headstone: Nannie and Nobel T. Corbin
Headstone: Nannie and Nobel T. Corbin
Nannie and eldest son Noble buried together, share headstone 
Located  Sec D-1, Lot B, Grave 242 and 243  Source:
CORBIN, Noble T. (d. 17 Dec 1933)
WARD, Nannie Price (d. 1 Oct 1937)
Headstone: Vollie Ward
Headstone: Vollie Ward
Located  Section: C-1, Lot: P, Grave: 85  WARD, Valentine (d. 19 Jun 1944)

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
Headstone Harold W. and Lula V. Ward
Headstone Harold W. and Lula V. Ward
Located  Garden of Everlasting Life  JOHNSON, Lula Virginia (d. 7 Sep 1978)
WARD, Harold Webster (d. 14 Jan 1995)
Headstone: Edward S. and Lula F. Ward
Headstone: Edward S. and Lula F. Ward
Located  Garden of Everlasting Life  NICHOLS, Lula Ford (d. 24 Feb 1981)
WARD, Edward Smith (d. 22 Mar 1997)
Headstone: Henry C Ward
Headstone: Henry C Ward
Located  Mausoleum - Cremation Niche Area  WARD, Henry Coffman (d. 29 May 1964)

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
Headstone: C. Dudley and Sallie C. Cooper
Headstone: C. Dudley and Sallie C. Cooper
Located    COOPER, Cornelius Dudley (d. 11 Jun 1959)
Headstone: William C. Aldridge
Headstone: William C. Aldridge
Located    ALDRIDGE, William Chester (d. 11 Jan 1984)

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
College Hill Cemetery
College Hill Cemetery
Located    College Hill Cemetery, College Hill, Madison Co., KY
Headstone - Polly Abrams Kaylor
Headstone - Polly Abrams Kaylor
Located    ABRAMS, Pollie (d. 9 Nov 1902)
Headstone - Sarah E Adams Kaylor and Dillard Kayor
Headstone - Sarah E Adams Kaylor and Dillard Kayor
Located    ADAMS, Sarah Ellen (d. 9 Jun 1898)
KAYLOR, Dillard (d. 1897)
Headstone: John Kaylor
Headstone: John Kaylor
Located    KAYLOR, John M. (d. 30 Nov 1886)
Headstone: Rubin Kaylor
Headstone: Rubin Kaylor
Located    KAYLOR, Rubin (d. 18 Dec 1891)

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
Headstone: David D. and Frances A. Fritts
Headstone: David D. and Frances A. Fritts
Located  Singles Right Quadrant, Row 6 (formerly row 3)  AZBILL, Frances
FRITTS/FRITZ, David Daniel (d. 30 Oct 1947)
Headstone: Lou Ingram Kaylor
Headstone: Lou Ingram Kaylor
Located  Section V, Lot 57  INGRAM, Lou A. (d. 4 Jul 1973)
Headstone: Lou Ingram Kaylor (mother)
Headstone: Lou Ingram Kaylor (mother)
Located  Section V, Lot 57  INGRAM, Lou A. (d. 4 Jul 1973)

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
Flatwoods Cemetery
Flatwoods Cemetery
Located    Flatwoods Cemetery, Waco, Madison Co., KY
Headstone - George and Pryse Kaylor Hendrix
Headstone - George and Pryse Kaylor Hendrix
Located    HENDRIX, George Brown (d. 13 Jun 1987)
KAYLOR, Price (d. 27 Nov 1979)
Headstone - Matthew and Zelma W Kaylor
Headstone - Matthew and Zelma W Kaylor
Located    KAYLOR, Mathew Hugh (d. 28 Apr 1979)
WEBB, Zelma (d. 1 Apr 1976)
Headstone - Thomas and Samuel Kaylor
Headstone - Thomas and Samuel Kaylor
Located    KAYLOR, Jerry Samuel (d. 30 Apr 1983)
KAYLOR, Thomas Ledger (d. 22 May 1984)
Headstone: John and Lena Fritts
Headstone: John and Lena Fritts
Located    ADAMS, Lenora (d. 1944)
FRITTS/FRITZ, John Henry (d. 2 Feb 1938)
Military Marker - Matthew Kaylor 1979
Military Marker - Matthew Kaylor 1979
Located    KAYLOR, Mathew Hugh (d. 28 Apr 1979)
Military Marker - Samuel Taylor
Military Marker - Samuel Taylor
Located    KAYLOR, Jerry Samuel (d. 30 Apr 1983)

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
Headstone: Murvin Purcell
Headstone: Murvin Purcell
Located    PURCELL, Murvin Thompson (d. 16 Dec 1936)

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
Headstone: William C. and Myrtle D. Price
Headstone: William C. and Myrtle D. Price
Located    PRICE, William C. (d. 29 Jun 1918)
WARD, Myrtle D. (d. 26 May 1921)