Fisher Family Genealogy
Cemeteries and Headstones in Winchester, Clark, Kentucky, USA
Thumb | Description | Status | Location | Name (Died/Buried) |
Headstone Willie Kaylor |
Located | Sec-E Lot-128 Grv-1 | KAYLOR, William (d. 5 Oct 1922)
Headstone: George A and Edith M Kaylor |
Located | Sec-L Lot-911 Grv-1 and 2 | BRIDGES, Edith M. (d. 1999)
KAYLOR, George A. (d. 19 Nov 1957) |
Headstone: James Milton Clift |
Located | ec-E Lot-24 Grv-1 | CLIFT, James Milton (d. 14 Dec 1933)