Fisher Family Genealogy
Cemeteries and Headstones in Martinsville, Morgan, Indiana, USA
Thumb | Description | Status | Location | Name (Died/Buried) |
Headstone: Avis A. Kaylor |
Located | GROUNDS, Avis Alleyene (d. 12 May 1933)
Thumb | Description | Status | Location | Name (Died/Buried) |
Headstone: Amy K. and Robert M. Lewis |
Located | KAYLOR, Amy Katherine (d. 27 Nov 1979)
LEWIS, Robert M (d. 2000) |
Headstone: Doris M. and Jasper "Jack" Kaylor |
Located | KAYLOR, Jasper (d. 13 May 2002)
LEWIS, Doris Mae (d. 8 Jun 1998) |
Headstone: Jerry Clifton Kaylor |
Located | KAYLOR, Jerry Clifton (d. 29 Dec 2004)
Headstone: Naomi and Charles Brummett |
Located | BRUMMETT, Charles (d. 19 Feb 1984)
KAYLOR, Naomi (d. 18 Nov 2002) |
Military headstone: Jerry Clifton Kaylor |
Located | KAYLOR, Jerry Clifton (d. 29 Dec 2004)
Thumb | Description | Status | Location | Name (Died/Buried) |
Headstone: Lula Rhodus |
Located | RHODUS, Lulu (d. 23 Aug 1978)
Thumb | Description | Status | Location | Name (Died/Buried) |
Headstone: Nellie Alleyene Woodruff |
Located | KAYLOR, Nellie Alleyene (d. 8 Nov 2007)