Name |
DANIELS Clara Bell |
Birth |
1 Sep 1874 |
Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [1] |
20 Jun 1900 |
Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [2] |
1900 U.S. Census: E.D. No. 50, Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL, p 13B
29 Jan 1902 |
Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [3, 4] |
- This fire, that destroyed about half of downtown Blandinsville, destroyed the Charles A. Fisher family home (Charles, wife and kids lived above the store) and their paint, paper and notions business. Financially, it must have been devastating for the young family - Charles and Clara were married only four years, daughter Reva was two and a half, and Clara was pregnant with daughter Mary Edith - having only $200 to $500 insurance (reports vary) on an estimated $2500 loss. Charles never rebuilt the business. Prior to 1902, it's easy to find newspaper ads for paper and notions from Fisher's store. After 1902 there are none. The 1910 census lists his occupation as house painter. Apparently, he did this and hung wallpaper for the rest of his life per his obit.
- William Fisher's house, next in line along the street, caught fire several times but was saved.
- Only a week after the fire there was a "project on foot to form stock company and build a brick block, containing business rooms and an opera house, on the ground swept by the tire."
Blandinsvile downtown fire 1902 About 11 e'clock last night a fire was discovered at Blandinsville which destroyed some $15.000 worth of property before it finally burned itself out. Four business houses were destroyed and only part of the contents saved. The fire was first discovered by Alva Bayless, who at once gave the alarm. When first seen the fire was about balf way between the floor and roof of the Beacon and Campbell buildings. It spread rapidly and was soon beyond control. The citizens then turned their attention to saving the contents of the buildings, but so rapidly did the flames spread that only part of the contents of some of the rooms could be saved. How the fire started no one knows, and no cause, save incendiary, can be as signed for it....The Fisher building was occupied by the Fisher novelty and wall paper store down stairs, and he lived in the upper story. Some of the stock was saved but only a small portion. All of his household goods were destroyed. The loss on the building is estimated at $1,200, and on the stock about $2.500 There was only $200 insurance on the stock and none on the building." |
Fire at Blandinsville 1902 This article gives a bit more details and notes that Blandinsville had no fire equipment. "C. A. Fisher lost a building, all of his household goods, and most of his stock of notions. The total loss was from $2.000 ta $2,500 with but $500 insurance....There ls no firefighting appliance in Blandinsville and water ie scarce there. The citizens who hastily assembled could do little, although they worked heroically removing goods from the buildings and carrying water from the few paces obtainable....Only 20 feet west is a dwelling house, owned and occupied by William Fisher. This caught on fire several times but was saved. With the scant means of
fighting fire people are marveling that the building still stands." |
20 Apr 1910 |
Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [5] |
- Occupation: Sales lady, Dry good.
1910 U.S. Census: E.D. No. 42, Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL, p 8A
17 Jul 1914 |
Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [6] |
A trip North 1914 "The W. B. Daniel and Chas. Fisher families returned from their northern trip on Friday and report having had a delightful visit with friends in a half dozen cities in Wisconsin and Northern Illinois...", |
09 Feb 1920 |
Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [7] |
- Occupation: Saleslady, Retail Dept Store.
Clara's father William Daniels living with the family.
1920 U.S. Census: E.D. No. 44, Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL, p 9B
21 Apr 1930 |
Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [8] |
- Occupation: Clerk, Dry Goods Store.
1930 U.S. Census: E.D. No. 55-2, Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL, p 5A
?? Apr 1940 |
Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [9] |
- Occupation: Clerk, Retail Dry Goods Store.
1940 U.S. Census: E.D. No. 55-2, Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL; p 6B
4 Apr 1950 |
Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [10] |
- Listed as unable to work (due to age, 75)
1950 US Census, E.D. 55-2, Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL, p 3
Death |
13 May 1953 |
Blandinsville Township, McDonough Co., IL [11] |
Address: Cottage Rest Nursing Home |
- Failing health several years before death; seriously lill from Feb 1953.
After marriage to Charles Fisher, they "opened a variety and paint
store in a frame building where the Taylor & Wilson store stands now. and they lived over their store, but in 1901 that section of the street caught fire, and they lost their home and business both. After that Mrs. Fisher accepted position with C. L. Welsh in the dry goods store and was connected with the firm. except for a few vears at the Q. A. Webb store, until her retirement in the summer of 1941."
"She had been a memher of the Blandinsville Christian church since childhood."
"Blandinsville just won't be Blandinsville without Mrs. Fisher."
Service at Walter Funeral Home, Rev. Orville Wright of the First Christian Church of Monmouth officiating.
Obituary: Clara Fisher 1953 posted on findagrave by Lori Boyer 29 Apr 2021 |
Burial |
16 May 1953 |
Glade City Cemetery, Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [12] |
Headstone: Charles and Clara (Daniels) Fisher
Person ID |
I954 |
Main |
Last Modified |
26 Jan 2023 |
Family |
FISHER Charles Albert, b. 25 Sep 1872, Hire Township, McDonough Co., IL d. 20 Feb 1958, Monmouth, Warren Co., IL (Age 85 years) |
Marriage |
17 Mar 1898 |
Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [1, 13] |
- Residence for both Blandinsville IL
Marriage License: Fisher, Charles A. and Clara B. Daniels - 1898
Marriage Return: Fisher, Charles A. and Clara B. Daniels - 1898
Children |
| 1. FISHER, Reva P., b. 9 Sept 1899, Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL d. 5 Feb 1980, 2115 Central Ave, Billings, Yellowstone Co., MT (Age 80 years) [Birth] |
| 2. FISHER, Mary Edith, b. 28 Jun 1902, Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL d. 25 Apr 1996, 2115 Central Ave, Billings, Yellowstone Co., MT (Age 93 years) [Birth] |
Family ID |
F72 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
6 Dec 2022 |