Fisher Family Genealogy
WARD, Valentine Rufus

Name WARD, Valentine Rufus Birth 1808 to 1812 North Carolina [1, 2]
CENSUS 1840 Estill Co., KY [3]
- Free White Persons - Males - Under 5: 2 (presumably sons William and Allen)
Free White Persons - Males - 5 thru 9: 1 (suggests Valentine and Lockey had an older son who does not appear in the 1850 census)
Free White Persons - Males - 20 thru 29: 1 (Valentine)
Free White Persons - Females - 20 thru 29: 1 (presumably wife Lockey)
Persons Employed in Agriculture: 1
No. White Persons over 20 Who Cannot Read and Write: 1 (Lockey)
Free White Persons - Under 20: 3
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 2
Total Free White Persons: 5
Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves: 5 (i.e they did not have slaves) - Two Bertons (Burton?), wife Lockey's surname, Isaac and Willam also appear on this census page. Relation to Lockey unknown.
1840 US Census: Estill Co., KY, p 68 EVENT 1840 Estill Co., KY [4]
1840 Estill Co., KY tax assessment: Valentine Ward
Land: 20, Estill Co.; Water Course: Nolands
Value of each tract: $100
Horses and Mares: 1; Value: $20
Total Value: $120EVENT 1841 Estill Co., KY [5]
1841 Estill Co., KY tax assessment: Valentine Ward
Interesting that the 1841 listing for Valentine is blank vs prior year shown owning land and a horse. Because of the mortgage listed below perhaps?EVENT 28 Jun 1841 Estill Co., KY [6]
Ward to Noland mortage 1841
In this document, Valentine Ward promises quantities of "tan bark" as collateral against a $65 debt owed to William Noland, the $65 is presumably the mortgage price, as that is the term used in the promissory note, for Valentine's land. Tan bark is bark stripped from certain types of tree, often oak but also other varieties, that is then processed in horse, oxen, or water-powered bark mills to shred the tanbark to derive tannins for tanning leather. Must have been a local bark mill and tannery in the area.
"Ward to Noland, Mortgage. Whereas I am Indebted to Wm Noland on a note for sixty five Dollars & 60/100 Given this day & due one day after date and wishing and Intimating to secure the payment of the same, I have this day mortgaged & doth by these presents grant bargain and sell unto the said Wm Noland one half the Tan Bark purchased of Richard Cobb & half the Bark pealed on Isham Burtons (father of Valentine's wife Lockie) place and supposed to be twelve Cord of Bark bought of ?? Dickenson & half the Bark pealed on Nathan Moors place, and half the Boat (should read Bark) purchased of S. Farney? but to be void on condition of my paying the note aforesaid as Witness my hand & seal the 28th day of June 1841. Valentine R. Ward. Wts J. H. Riddle
"State of Kentucky, Estill County
I Robert Clark Clerk of the Court for the County aforesaid Certify that this mortgage from Valentine R Ward to William Noland was this day produced to me my my office by the grantor and acknowledged by the said Valentine R Ward to be his act and deed. Whereupon the said Mortgage together with the foregoing Certificate hath been duly admitted to the records in my office. Given under my hand this 28th day of June 1841. Robt Clark By Sm Barnes DC"EVENT 1842 Estill Co., KY [7]
1842 Estill Co., KY tax assessment: Valentine Ward
In this assessment Valentine's horse is back but again shows no land: 1 horse, value $20
Not sure who John Ward listed after Valentine is. A brother perhaps? Valentine's son John not born yet.EVENT 1843 Estill Co., KY [8]
1843 Estil Co., KY tax assessment: Valentine Ward
Again lists only one taxable item: 1 horse, value $20EVENT 1844 Madison Co., KY [9]
1844 Madison Co., KY tax assessment: Valentine Ward
Being listed in Madison Co. in this assessment indicates that Valentine and family moved from Estill Co. to Madison Co. sometime in 1843/1844 between tax assessments. The document also lists Valentine as having three children between 5 and 16 years old. These would be William (b. 1936), Allen (b. 1840) and Elizabeth (b. 1842). As for taxable items, Valentine's entry again shows only 1 horse, its value up from $20 in 1843 to $30 in 1844, a shocking increase for the time!EVENT 1850 Estill Co., KY [10]
1850 Estill Co., KY tax assessment: Valentine Ward
6 horses, value $200
3 children between 5 and 16 years (William, Allen, Elizabeth. Emily, Mary Ann under 5)CENSUS 25 Sep 1850 Estill Co., KY [11]
- Mother-in-law Agnes Burton living with Valentine and Lockie Ward's family
- 38, farmer
1850 US Census: Estill Co., KY, p 89 CENSUS 25 Sep 1850 Estill Co., KY [12]
- Acres of land: 25, improved
Cash value of farm: $100; value of implements/machinery: $15
6 horses, 2 milk cows, 3 other cattle, 1 pig; value of stock: $245
Produce yr ending 1 June 1950: 375 bushels corn, 200 bushels oats, 10 bushels irish potatoes, 50 lbs butter
Value of homemade manufacture: $12
Value of animals slaughtered: $215
1850 US Census: Estill Co., KY, Agriculture Schedule 4; p 385-386, line 5 EVENT 1853 Estill Co., KY [13]
1853 Estil Co., KY tax assessment: Valentine Ward
6 horses, value $210; 1 cow, 1 hog; Total value $210
Value gold, silver other metal watches and clocks: $10; Total value $10
3 children between 6 and 18 years (William, Allen, Elizabeth. Emily, Mary Ann under 6 and John b. Mar 1852)EVENT 1854 Estill Co., KY [14]
1854 Estill Co., KY tax assessment: Valentine Ward
6 horses, value $250; 4 cow, 1 hog; Total value $250
Value gold, silver other metal watches and clocks: $10; Total value $10
3 children between 6 and 18 years (William, Allen, Elizabeth. Emily 6 in this year but assessment presumably taken before she turn 6. Mary Ann and John under 6.EVENT 1855 Estill Co., KY [15]
1855 Estill Co., KY tax assessment: Valentine Ward
Again has land, 50 acres, Hardwick Creek (no stream by that name today), value $400
4 horses, value $200; 2 cow, 9 hogs; Total value $600
Value gold, silver other metal watches and clocks: $10; Total value $10
3 children between 6 and 18 years (Allen, Elizabeth and Emily. William now over 18; Mary Ann about 6, and John under.EVENT 1857 Estill Co., KY [16]
1857 Estill Co., KY tax assessment: Valentine Ward
Land: 50 acres, Water Course: Hardwicks (no stream by that name today); Value: $400
Horses: 1, value $75; Mules: 3, value $275
Children between 6 and 18: 4 (Allen Elizabeth, Emily, Mary Ann)
Total value $750
Value of gold, silver, other metals, watches and clocks: $10CENSUS 4 Jun 1860 Division 1, Madison Co., KY [17]
- Mother-in-law Agnes Burton living with Valentine and Lockie Ward's family
- Age 52, wagoner
Value of estate: $200
1860 US Census: 1st Division, Madison Co., KY, p 56
Division 1 is believed to be just west of Waco, KY. The census lists the Division 1 post office as Elleston. The community of Elliston is just west of Waco. The Elliston post office operated from about 1847 to 1861 and possibly from 1866 to 1869 covering the timeframe of this census.EVENT 1861 Madison Co., KY [18]
1861 Madison Co., KY tax assessment: Valentine Ward
No land listed; 3 horse, value $100 (big change from 1857 assessment)
3 children between 6 and 18 (Emily, Mary Ann and John)
Enrolled in militia: yes
Total value $100 (huge change from 1857 assessment)EVENT 1870 Madison Co., KY [19]
- No land listed; 2 horses, value $100; total value $100
Children between 6 and 20: 2 (John and Thomas)
Bushels of corn: 100
1870 Madison Co., KY tax assessment: Valentine and Allen Ward CENSUS 27 Jul 1870 Elliston, Madison, Co., KY [20]
- Mother-in-law Agnes Burton living with Valentine and Lockie Ward's family
- Last name erroneously listed as Wark
Age 59, farmer
Value of estate: $300 - Who are John and Emanuel Ward? Not listed with Valentine's household in previous censuses. Listed as farm laborers in this census.
- Also living with family is May Richardson age 7. Relation?
1870 US Census: Elliston precinct, Madison Co., KY, p 32 EVENT 1871 Madison Co., KY [21]
- No land listed; 1 horse, value $50; 4 cows, value $40; total value $90
Children between 6 and 20 (none, Valentine living with son Allen's family in 1870 census)
1871 Madison Co., KY tax assessment: Valentine and Allen Ward CENSUS 2 Jun 1880 Richmond, Madison Co., KY [22]
- 70, married
Occupation: Wagoner
1880 US Census: Richmond, Madison Co., KY, p 7 Person ID I895 Main Last Modified 22 Feb 2024
Family BURTON, Lockey H.?, b. 1813 to 1814, Kentucky Marriage 1 Mar 1832 Lawrence Co., IN [23]
Marriage Record: Rufus V and Lockey Burton Ward 1832
Marriage license issued: 27 Feb 1832
Marriage date: 1 Mar 1832
Officiating: Bucks M Howard, M. G.Children 1. WARD, Possible eldest son, b. Before 1835 2. WARD, William Harvey, b. Abt 1836, Mill Seat, Estill Co., KY d. 5 Jul 1852, Mill Seat, Estill Co., KY
(Age 16 years) [Birth]
+ 3. WARD, Allen, b. 30 Sep 1840, Donerail, Estill Co., KY d. 14 Sep 1931, 300 Sherman Ave., Lexington, Fayette Co., KY
(Age 90 years) [Birth]
+ 4. WARD, Elizabeth, b. 7 Nov 1842, Estill Co., KY d. 15 Mar 1910, Catlin, Vermilion Co., IL
(Age 67 years) [Birth]
+ 5. WARD, Emily, b. Abt 1848, Kentucky d. 29 Oct 1905, Beecher City, Effingham Co., IL
(Age 57 years) [Birth]
+ 6. WARD, Mary Ann, b. Abt 1849, Kentucky [Birth]
7. WARD, John, b. Mar 1852, Mill Seat, Estill Co., KY d. Sept 1852, Mill Seat, Estill Co., KY
(Age 0 years) [Birth]
+ 8. WARD, Thomas J., b. 8 Aug 1853, Twin Creek, Estill Co., KY d. 24 Oct 1935, Danville, Vermilion Co., IL
(Age 82 years) [Birth]
Family ID F304 Group Sheet | Family Chart Last Modified 10 Feb 2024
- Free White Persons - Males - Under 5: 2 (presumably sons William and Allen)
Event Map = Link to Google Earth
Pin Legend : Address
: Location
: City/Town
: County/Shire
: State/Province
: Country
: Not Set
Sources - [S462] Census: 1850 U.S. - Estill Co., KY, (National Archives), 25 Sep 1850, Roll: 198; Page: 89a (Reliability: 2).
- [S463] Census: 1860 U.S. - 1st Division, Madison Co., KY, (National Archives), 4 Jun 1860, Page: 324; Family History Library Film: 803384 (Reliability: 2).
- [S464] 1840 US Census: Kentucky, (, 1840, Estill Co., p 68 (Reliability: 2).
- [S840] Estill County, KY, Tax Assessor Ledgers, (, 1840, 1840, p 48 (Reliability: 3).
- [S840] Estill County, KY, Tax Assessor Ledgers, (, 1841, 1840, p 24 (Reliability: 2).
- [S839] Estill Co., KY Deeds, 1809-1901, (, 28 Jun 1841, p. 188-189 (Reliability: 3).
- [S840] Estill County, KY, Tax Assessor Ledgers, (, 1842, 1842, p 31 (Reliability: 3).
- [S840] Estill County, KY, Tax Assessor Ledgers, (, 1843, 1843, p 27 (Reliability: 3).
- [S841] Madison County, KY, Tax Assessor Ledgers , (, 1844, 1844, p 21 (Reliability: 3).
- [S840] Estill County, KY, Tax Assessor Ledgers, (, 1850, 1850, p 28 (Reliability: 3).
- [S838] 1850 US Census, Kentucky , (, 25 Sep 1850, Estill Co., p 89 (Reliability: 2).
- [S838] 1850 US Census, Kentucky , (, 25 Sep 1850, Estill Co., Agriculture Schedule 4; p 385-386, line 5 (Reliability: 2).
- [S840] Estill County, KY, Tax Assessor Ledgers, (, 1853, 1853, p 24 (Reliability: 3).
- [S840] Estill County, KY, Tax Assessor Ledgers, (, 1854, 1854, p 28 (Reliability: 3).
- [S840] Estill County, KY, Tax Assessor Ledgers, (, 1855, 1855, p 33 (Reliability: 3).
- [S840] Estill County, KY, Tax Assessor Ledgers, (, 1857, 1857, p 30 (Reliability: 3).
- [S819] 1860 US Census, Kentucky , (, 4 Jun 1860, 1st Division, Madison Co., p 56 (Reliability: 2).
- [S841] Madison County, KY, Tax Assessor Ledgers , (, 1861, 1861, p 69 (Reliability: 3).
- [S841] Madison County, KY, Tax Assessor Ledgers , (, 1870, 1870, p 78 (Reliability: 3).
- [S790] 1870 US Census, Kentucky , (, 27 Jul 1870, Elliston precinct, Madison Co., p 32 (Reliability: 2).
- [S841] Madison County, KY, Tax Assessor Ledgers , (, 1871, 1871, p 81 (Reliability: 3).
- [S789] 1880 US Census, Kentucky, (, 2 Jun 1880, Richmond, Madison Co., p 7 (Reliability: 2).
- [S703] Indiana Marriages, 1811-2019, (, 1 Mar 1832, Lawrence Co., 1818-1836, p 410 (Reliability: 2).
- [S462] Census: 1850 U.S. - Estill Co., KY, (National Archives), 25 Sep 1850, Roll: 198; Page: 89a (Reliability: 2).