Fisher Family Genealogy
FISHER Charles H.

Name FISHER Charles H. Birth 25 Jun 1873 Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [1, 2]
- Marriage Return reads:
Place of birth, McDonough Co., Ill.
Father's name, Thomas Fisher
Mother's maiden name, Maryannn Faris (spelling incorrect)
Death Certificate reads:
Born: 25 June 1874
Father: Thomas Fisher, born Illinois
Mother: Mary Ferris, born Illinois
CENSUS 01 Jun 1880 Locust Hill, Knox Co., MO [3]
- At home; attending school
1880 US Census: E. D. No. 77 Locust Hill, Knox Co., MO, p 12 CENSUS 11 Jun 1900 Hire Township, McDonough Co., IL [4]
- Father Thomas and and mother Mary Ann listed immediately before Charles and family in this census
Many errors in listing for Charles' family:
Florence born Jul 1877 not Jun
Zilla should read Zella; not a daughter, but eldest son, born in Apr 1895 not Aug 1895
Also Raymond born in Jan 1899 not Mar 1899
Correctly lists years married: Five
Occupation: Day laborer
Rented home. on farm
Can read and write
1900 US Census: E. D. No. 57, Hire Township, McDonough Co., IL, sht 5A EVENT 22 Sep 1904 Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [5]
Charles Fisher buys bowling alley 1904
"The bowling alley changed hands one day last week, Mr. Wilkinson selling out to Wm. Burkhart and Charles Fisher. With these gentlemen in charge we have the assurance of its being conducted in the gentlemanly manner that it has always been conducted."CENSUS 10 May 1910 Hire Township, McDonough Co., IL [6]
- Married 15 years
Occupation: On farm
Renting home, on farm
Can read and write
Census correctly shows one child deceased in 1910: Nora.
Census: 1910 U.S. - Hire Township, McDonough Co., IL Roll T624_305; Page: 13A; Enumeration District: 50; Image: 270 EVENT 23 Dec 1913 Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [7]
Charles Fisher guilty of running a pool hall without a license 1914
"A very funny account of the trail of Carl Phillips and Charles Fisher charged with running a pool hall without a license in Blandinsville. Per the article, the courthouse was packed "and the fire engines, caboose cage ,and galleries running around the walls were covered with eager listeners....When the witnesses were called there developed some of the most marvelous cases of defective memory that have ever been recorded. The Society of Psychical research has never found anything like it. Steady and constant players by the most violent effort could only recall one game and that in a hazy, dim, and indistinct way that furnished no recollection of any details as to the other players or the mode of settlement. Their earnest and strenuous but futile efforts to recall some of these desired details created so much merriment among the onlookers that the combined efforts of the judge and mayor and marshall were required to suppress it....The prosecution maintained that this was gambling and the defense claimed it was simply entertainment. The offense of running without a license was only lightly touched upon though this was really the issue....Attorney Warner of LaHarpe began his argument for the prosecution. It was a cracker jack. He pictured the ruined homes and corrupted youth of Blandinsville...He made the offense appear so heinous and devilish that stiff arguments took place around the edge of the crowd as to whether the death penalty could be inflicted for anything except premeditated murder....The defendants lawyer Earl Grigsby made a logical and convincing legal plea. He read from the decisions of the supreme court where exactly similar cases had been decided in favor of the defendants, and showed that the ordinances of Blandinsville do not forbid the running of pool hals without a license....When he finished the fellows out on the edge argued that Warner was throwing it into Blandinsville people because he was from LaHarpe and that he better go up there and look after the pool rooms, and that all he had said about the ruined youth of Blandinsville was all (?) rot anyhow." Even so the jury returned a verdict of guilty and assessed each of the defendants a fine of fifty dollars and costs. "The defense gave notice it would appeal and for the present the pool room is still running." Phillips and Fisher win on appeal per the next article. It is interesting to note that Charles apparently ran for and became town Marshall shortly after this fiasco, sometime before Apr 1916 when the Blandinsville Star-Gazette reports "Orville Fisher, of Blandinsville, entered a plea of guilty to the charge of assaulting his cousin Charles Fisher, city marshall of Blandinsville."EVENT 14 Apr 1916 Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [8]
Orville assaults his cousin, Marshall Charles Fisher 1916
"On Friday, in county court, Orville Fisher, of Blandinsville, entered a plea of guilty to the charge of assaulting his cousin Charles Fisher, city marshall of Blandinsville. He asked for clemency and stated the assault would have never occurred had he not been drinking. He was fined $59 and costs amounting to nearly $100. He was also given a ten days sentence in the county jail....The assault occurred on March 14."EVENT 31 Jan 1918 Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [9]
Chas. Fisher suffering; Leslie Fisher has mumps, 1918
"Marshal Chas Fisher is no better and is suffering a great deal this winter. Leslie, Fisher who had the mumps, followed by tonsillitis is improving and will be out in a few days." Charles Fisher dies a month later.Death 26 Feb 1918 Hire Township, McDonough Co., IL [2, 10, 11]
- Death Certificate reads:
Time of death: 3:15 am
Place: Hire Township, McDonough Co., IL
Cause: Cerebral hemorrhage; pulmonary tuberculosis
Informant: Zella Fisher (son), Kewanee, IL
Occupation at death: Police Constable
Death Certificate: Fisher, Charles H. - 1918; Certificate No. 35525 Obituary: Charles H Fisher 1918
"Chas. H. Fisher died at his home in the south part of Blandinsville at 3:15 a.m. on Tuesday, February 26. aged 44 years and 8 months. He was the only remaining child of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fisher. His father has been dead some years and his mother who is the only living member of the family lives on south main street. The deceased has been a citizen of Blandinsville practically all his life and is known to everybody in the community. About twenty-five years ago he married Miss Florence Ashby and ten children have been born to them. Those living are Zella, Raymond, Reva, Truman, Dorothy, Jessie, Madeline and Ruth. May and Paul preceded their father in death, Of the living children, Zella who is the oldest is of age and married and the youngest, Ruth is an infant. The deceased was an industrious, hard working man when his health permitted, and for several years has been marshal and street commissioner of this place. He was attentive to his business and brave and fearless in performing his duty as an officer. For many years he has been the victim of tuberculosis and during the winter has been confined to his bed. The end cane Tuesday morning and his long sufferings were over and he slept. Besides his broken hearted family and his mother be leaves an uncle, Abel Fisher and several cousins and many friends to mourn for him. Funeral services were held at the home on Wednesday, February 27, at 2.00 p. m., the Rev. Chas. Gray and Rev. Edward Hardy officiating and interment was in South cemetery."Burial 27 Feb 1918 South Cemetery, Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [2, 10, 11]
- "Funeral services were held at the home on Wednesday. February 27, at 2.00 p.m., the Rev. Chas. Gray and Rev. Edward Hardy officiating and interment was in south cemetery."
Headstone: Charles H. Fisher Headstone: Charles H. and Florence E. Ashby Fisher Person ID I78 Main Last Modified 6 Aug 2024
Father FISHER Thomas H., b. 3 Jun 1843, Illinois d. 1 Jun 1914, Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL
(Age 70 years)
Relationship Birth Mother FARRIS Mary Ann, b. 9 Mar 1850, Hire Township, McDonough Co., IL d. 3 Oct 1928, Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL
(Age 78 years)
Relationship Birth Marriage 21 Jan 1869 McDonough Co., IL [12, 13, 14]
Notes - To this union three children were born, viz., Lena Delbridge, Charles H. and Arthur M. [15]
Family ID F42 Group Sheet | Family Chart
Family ASHBY Florence Ethyl, b. 26 Jul 1877, Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL d. 8 Jun 1960, Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL
(Age 82 years)
Marriage 5 Sep 1894 Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [16, 17]
Marriage Return: Fisher, Charles H. and Florence E. Ashby - 1894 Notes - Mary Ann (Farris) Fisher left her most of her estate to the children of Charles and Florence (Ashby) Fisher: "After payment of such funeral expenses and debts, I give, devise and bequeath to the children of Charles Fisher deceased, namely- Zella Fisher, Raymond Fisher, Reva George, Truman Fisher, Dorothy Fisher, Jessie Fisher, Madeline Fisher and Ruth Fisher..." [18]
Children + 1. FISHER Zella, b. 23 Apr 1895, Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL d. 18 Jun 1968, Kewanee, Henry Co., IL
(Age 73 years) [Birth]
2. FISHER, Nora Mae, b. 18 May 1897 d. 15 Mar 1898 (Age 0 years) + 3. FISHER Raymond Claude, b. 6 Jan 1899, Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL d. 18 Feb 1981, Macomb, McDonough Co., IL
(Age 82 years) [Birth]
4. FISHER Reva Irene, b. 5 Feb 1901, Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL d. 1 Apr 1984, Macomb, McDonough Co., IL
(Age 83 years)
+ 5. FISHER Truman, b. 26 Jun 1903, Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL d. 19 May 1974, Bushnell, McDonough Co., IL
(Age 70 years) [Birth]
6. FISHER, Dorothy, b. 19 Dec 1905, Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL d. 1 Jul 2000, Macomb, McDonough Co., IL
(Age 94 years) [Birth]
+ 7. FISHER Jessie, b. 25 Dec 1908, Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL d. 3 Sep 1991, Washington, Tazewell Co., IL
(Age 82 years) [Birth]
8. FISHER Madelyn, b. 4 Jul 1911, Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL d. June 13 1996, Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL
9. FISHER Paul, b. 22 Oct 1914, Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL d. 25 Sep 1917, Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL
(Age 2 years) [Birth]
+ 10. FISHER, Margaret Ruth, b. 23 Jun 1917, Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL d. 09 May 2004, Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL
(Age 86 years)
Family ID F31 Group Sheet | Family Chart Last Modified 15 Dec 2008
- Marriage Return reads:
Event Map = Link to Google Earth
Pin Legend : Address
: Location
: City/Town
: County/Shire
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: Country
: Not Set
Photos Charles H. and Florence Ethyl Ashby Fisher
Photo by Blankenberg Photographers
In the photo Florence looks pregnant and she would have been - roughly two month with Zella.
Documents C. H. Fisher declares not a pauper 1902 Erma Farris' horse killed 1907
Erma's horse was hitched with another belonging to a Mr. Henry to a breaking plow to plow a garden at Erma's House. "...the Henry horse became fractious, pumped against the Farris horse, knocked it down and continued to plunge until it pulled the sharp point of the plow (held by Charles Fisher) into it completely disemboweling it....The horse was killed and put out of it's misery. This was a hard blow on Miss Farris as she teaches school at Robin Green and used the horse every day and can ill afford to bear the loss." A collection was taken up to buy Erma a new horse.
Sources - [S21] Marriage Return: Fisher, Charles H. and Florence E. Ashby, (Illinois State Board of Health), 5 Sep 1894, License No. 994. (Reliability: 3).
- [S43] Death Certificate: Fisher. Charles H. - 1918, (State of Illinois, Dept. of Public Health, Division of Vital Statistics), 26 Feb 1918, Certificate No. 35525, Certificate No. 35525. (Reliability: 3).
- [S587] 1880 US Census, Illinois , (, 01 Jun 1880, E. D. No. 77, p 12 (Reliability: 3).
- [S88] Census: 1900 U.S. - Hire Township, McDonough Co., IL , (Ancestry,com), 11 Jun 1900, Roll T623_320; Page: 5A; Enumeration District: 57 (Reliability: 3).
- [S623] News articles: Blandinsville Star-Gazette, Blandinsville IL, (Blandinsville Star-Gazette, Blandinsville IL), 22 Sep 1904, p 3 (Reliability: 2).
- [S91] Census: 1910 U.S. - Hire Township, McDonough Co., IL , (Ancestry,com), 10 May 1910, Roll T624_305; Page: 13A; Enumeration District: 50; Image: 270 (Reliability: 3).
- [S623] News articles: Blandinsville Star-Gazette, Blandinsville IL, (Blandinsville Star-Gazette, Blandinsville IL), 1 Jan 1914, p 8 (Reliability: 2).
- [S623] News articles: Blandinsville Star-Gazette, Blandinsville IL, (Blandinsville Star-Gazette, Blandinsville IL), 20 Apr 1916, p 1 (Reliability: 2).
- [S623] News articles: Blandinsville Star-Gazette, Blandinsville IL, (Blandinsville Star-Gazette, Blandinsville IL), 31 Jan 1918, p 3 (Reliability: 2).
- [S623] News articles: Blandinsville Star-Gazette, Blandinsville IL, (Blandinsville Star-Gazette, Blandinsville IL), 28 Feb 1918, p4 (Reliability: 2).
- [S20] Funeral Notice: Fisher, Charles H. - 1918 (Reliability: 2).
- [SR34] Marriage License: Fisher, Thomas H. and Mary A. Farris, (Illinois State Board of Health), 22 Jan 1869, License No. 3610. (Reliability: 3).
I HEREBY CERTIFY that I joined the HOLY STATE OF MATRIMONY, Mr. Thomas H Fisher and Miss Mary A Farris on the twenty first day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty Nine.
Given under my hand and seal this this 22nd day of January A.D. 1869.
D. J. Porter (SEAL)
Eld. U. B. C - [SR36] Obituary: Fisher, Mary A., (Blandinsville Star-Gazette, Blandinsville, IL, 11 Oct 1928), 11 Oct 1928.
On January 21, 1869 she was united in marriage to Thomas H. Fisher... - [S472] Illinois Death Certificates, (State of Illinois, Dept. of Public Health, Division of Vital Statistics), 6 Oct 1928 (Reliability: 3).
(5a) If married, widowed or divorced HUSBAND of (or) WIFE of Thomas Fisher - [SR36] Obituary: Fisher, Mary A., (Blandinsville Star-Gazette, Blandinsville, IL, 11 Oct 1928), 11 Oct 1928 (Reliability: 2).
- [S21] Marriage Return: Fisher, Charles H. and Florence E. Ashby, (Illinois State Board of Health), 5 Sep 1894, License No. 994. (Reliability: 3).
16. Married at Blandinsville in the County of McDonough and the State of Illinois, the 5 day of Sept 1984 - [S22] Marriage License: Fisher, Charles H. and Florence E. Ashby, (Illinois State Board of Health), 5 Sep 1894, License No. 994. (Reliability: 3).
I B. H. Harmon a Minister of the Gospel hereby certify that Mr. Charles H. Fisher and Miss Florence E. Ashba were united in Marriage by me at Blandinsville in the County of McDonough and the State of Illinois on the 5th day of Sept. A.D. 1894. - [S25] Mary Ann Fisher, Will: Fisher, Mary Ann - 1928, 4 Jan 1924 (Reliability: 3).
- [S21] Marriage Return: Fisher, Charles H. and Florence E. Ashby, (Illinois State Board of Health), 5 Sep 1894, License No. 994. (Reliability: 3).