Name |
FISHER Abel [3] |
- Biography from Abel’s obituary: “(Abel Fisher) was the son of Thomas and Elizabeth Brown Fisher who came of an old and prominent Pennsylvania family and moved to the La Harpe neighborhood on a farm nearly a century ago. Sixty years ago when about twenty years of age Abel came to Blandinsville, where he has since lived.
“On January 5, 1864 he enlisted and entered the Civil War as a member of Co. D. 28th Illinois Regiment and served for two and a half years in the thickest of the fighting. He was a brave and dashing soldier, who served his country with courage and distinction.
“He married Miss Ellen Peck Dec 2, 1872 and to their union were born three children, Orville B. Fisher and Mrs. Myrtle Bissell of Blandinsville and Mrs. Olive Kling deceased.
“The above is a short account of the life of one of the kindest souls that has ever lived. He loved the woods, and flowers and children. He was a noted hunter and trapper and would quit his work to bring a squirrel or quail for a sick neighbor and no time was too inconvenient and no task too difficult for him to do a kindness for one who needed help. In his last illness which extended over two years, the last one spent on a bed of sickness, he suffered as few invalids have done, but never a word of complaint or impatience pass his kindly lips.
“In life he was a carpenter. He worked in Hopper’s mill and did many other things, but charged so little that his means were always modest. He planted the big trees around the lawn where the writer now lives and the great green tress in the school park stand as monuments to his public spirited industry.”
Birth |
23 May 1845 |
Illinois [4, 5, 6] |
01 Oct 1850 |
Township 8 N 6 W, Henderson Co., IL [7] |
- A few errors by census-taker: John and Margaret were born in Pennsylvania to Thomas and his first wife Mary Kells Fisher. Cyrus should read Matthias. Have seen no other reference to Matthias' first or middle name being Cyrus.
1850 US Census: Township 8N 6W, Henderson Co., IL
22 Aug 1860 |
LaHarpe Township, Hancock Co., IL [8] |
1860 US Census: LaHarpe Township, Hancock Co., IL, p 716
5 Jan 1864 to 15 May 1866 [9, 10, 11, 12, 13] |
Civil War: 28th Illinios Infantry Co. D |
- Enlisted: 5 Jan 1864, Macomb, IL under Capt. Farwell
Mustered into service: 2 Feb 1864, Springfield, IL
Description: age 18, 6'-2 1/2", light complexion, light hair, grey eyes
Occupation: Farmer
Nativity: Hancock Co., IL
Served 28 Illinois Infantry Co. D as Private
Mustered out: 15 Mar 1866, Brownsville, TX by Major Bullard
(Note: Brother Thomas Fisher also mustered out on same day at Brownsville)
- From obituary: "On January 5, 1864 he enlisted and entered the Civil war as a member of Co. D 28th Illinois Regiment and served for two and a half years in the thickest of the fighting. He was a brave and dashing soldier, who served his country with courage and distinction."
- History of the 28th Regiment, Illinois Infantry from the National Park Service:
OVERVIEW: Organized at Camp Butler, Ill., and mustered in August 15, 1861. Moved to St. Louis, Mo., August 28, thence to Thebes and to Bird's Point, Mo., September 9. Attached to District of Cairo to October, 1861. 4th Brigade, District of Cairo, to February, 1862. 1st Brigade, 4th Division, District of Cairo, February, 1862. 1st Brigade, 4th Division, District of West Tennessee, and Army of the Tennessee to July, 1862. 1st Brigade, 4th Division, District of Memphis, Tenn., to September, 1862. 1st Brigade, 4th Division, District of Jackson, Tenn., to November, 1862. 3rd Brigade, 4th Division, Right Wing 13th Army Corps (Old), Department of the Tennessee, to December, 1862. 3rd Brigade, 4th Division, 17th Army Corps, to January, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 4th Division, 16th Army Corps, to July, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 4th Division, 13th Army Corps, to August, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 4th Division, 17th Army Corps, August, 1863. Post of Natchez, Miss., to October, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 19th Army Corps, Department of the Gulf, to December, 1864. 1st Brigade, Reserve Corps, Military Division West Mississippi, to February, 1865. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, Reserve Corps, Military Division West Mississippi, February, 1865. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 13th Army Corps (New), Military Division West Mississippi, to July, 1865. Department of Texas to March, 1866.
At Bird's Point, Mo., till October 2, 1861. Moved to Fort Holt, Ky., October 2, and duty there till January 31, 1862. Moved to Paducah, Ky., January 31. Operations against Forts Henry and Heiman February 2-6. Occupation of Fort Heiman February 6 to March 6. Moved to Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., March 6-22. Battle of Shiloh, Tenn., April 6-7. Advance on and siege of Corinth, Miss., April 29-May 30. March to Memphis, Tenn., via Grand Junction, LaGrange, Holly Springs, Moscow and Germantown, June 1-July 21, and duty there till September 6. Moved to Bolivar September 6-14. Duty there till October 4. Battle of the Hatchie, Metamora, October 5. Grant's Central Mississippi Campaign November 2, 1862, to January 10, 1863. Guard R. R. at Colliersville, Tenn., till May, 1863. Moved to Vicksburg, Miss., May 11-14. Duty at Grand Gulf till June 11. Siege of Vicksburg, Miss., June 11-July 4. Advance on Jackson, Miss., July 5-10. Siege of Jackson July 10-17. Assault on Jackson July 12. Duty at Vicksburg till August 15. Moved to Natchez, Miss., August 15, and duty there till October, 1864. Expedition to Harrisonburg, La., September 1-7, 1863. Near Harrisonburg and capture of Fort Beauregard September 4. Operations about Natchez December 1-10. Regiment veteranize January 4, 1864. Veterans absent on furlough May 18-July 8. Expedition to Gillespie's Plantation, Black Bayou, August 4-6. Expedition to Buck's Ferry and skirmishes September 9-22. Expedition to Sicily Island September 26-30. Expedition to Homachita River October 4-8. Moved to Morganza, La., October 10-12, thence to the mouth of White River November 3-7. Moved to Memphis, Tenn., November 20-22. Duty there till January, 1865. Expedition to Moscow December 21-31. 1864. Moved to Kennersville, La., January 3-6, 1865; thence to New Orleans February 12-15. Campaign against Mobile, Ala., and its defences February 17-April 12. Siege of Spanish Fort and Fort Blakely March 26-April 8. Assault and capture of Fort Blakely April 9. Occupation of Mobile, April 12. Whistler's Station April 13. Duty at Mobile till July. Moved to Brazos Santiago, Texas, July 2-3. To Clarksville July 7, to Brownsville August 2-3, and duty there till March, 1866. Mustered out March 15 and discharged at Camp Butler, Ill., May 13, 1866.
Regiment lost during service 9 Officers and 97 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 182 Enlisted men by disease. Total 290.
Civil War Service Record: Abel Fisher
Abel Fisher Civil War Pension File The following documents are from Abel Fisher's Civil War pension file. These include a Declaration for Pension in Abel which lists his birth date and place, and Civil War service. Two questionnaires detail his marriage to Ellen E. Peck and provide birth dates for their children. The poor state of Abel's health late in life is chronicled in a declaration by Abel and several affidavits and letters written by his friends, neighbors and doctor in support of his application for an Invalid Pension. The Drop Report lists Abel's date of death. The file closes with an interesting exchange between Illinois Senator William McKinley and the Bureau of Pensions. Senator McKinley's letter to Bureau of Pensions states that he is forwarding a letter of inquiry. This letter is not found in Abel's pension file but its contents can be determined from Deputy Commissioner of Pensions Hays Haymaker's reply The letter sought funding for a tombstone for Abel. Mr. Haymaker's reply states that he is returning a letter from C. E. B. Allen and advises that an "application for tombstone" be addressed to the Quartermaster General of the War Department. The file contains no further correspondence to indicate whether Mr. Allen followed up on his inquiry. |
Abel Fisher Civil War Discharge Certificate
7 Jun 1880 |
Hire Township, McDonough Co., IL [14] |
- Occupation: Laborer
Sister-in-law Flora Peck living with Abel's Family,
1880 US Census: E. D. No. 160, Hire Township, McDonough Co., IL, p 397C
11 Jun 1900 |
Hire Township, McDonough Co., IL [15] |
- Abel's name spelled incorrectly as Able
Occupation: Day laborer
Can read and write
Owns home, free of mortgage
1900 US Census: E. D. No. 57, Hire Township, McDonough Co., IL, sht 5A
16 Apr 1910 |
Hire Township, McDonough Co., IL [16] |
- Occupation: Laborer, odd jobs, works for wages
Can read and write
Owns home free of mortgage
Living with Abel and wife Ellen, an 86 yo widowed boarder Benjamin Bushnell
1910 US Census: E. D. No. 50, Hire Township, McDonough Co., IL, p 1B
Sept 1910 |
Brownville, Nemaha Co., NE [17] |
- "Mr. Fisher has been in and around Brownsville (should read Brownville), Nebraska, for some weeks visiting is sister (Margaret Daugherty) and other relatives and putting in his spare moments picking apples of which he says Neb. has an abundant crop."
Abel and Ellen Fisher travels 1910
8 May 1911 |
Brownville, Nemaha Co., NE [18] |
Death of Margeret Daugherty 1911 "Abel Fisher received a telegram on Monday morning announcing the death of his sister Margaret Dorothy (Daugherty) at Brownsville (Brownville), Neb, on the evening of Sunday May 7th." |
Oct 1914 |
La Plata, Macon Co., MO [19] |
Mr. and Mrs. Abel Fisher visit brother Mathias Fisher 1914 "Mr. and Mrs. Abe Fisher returned Monday from a two week's visit with his brother Matthais Fisher at LaPlata, Missouri. We are sorry to hear that be very is very sick and is improving very slowly if at all." |
7 Feb 1915 |
La Plata, Macon Co., MO [20] |
Abel visiting brother Matthias in La Plata 1915 "Abe Fisher went to LaPlata, Mo last Sunday where be was called by the sickness of his brother Mathias Fisher who is in a dangerous condition. His trouble is with his stomach and is probably cancer." |
24 Feb 1915 |
Novelty, Knox Co., MO [21] |
Abel Fisher and Mr. and Mrs John Atebery attend funeral for Matthias Fisher 1915 "Uncle Abe Fisher of Blandinsville, Ill., accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Atterberry (Ateberry)over here last week and attended the funeral of their brother and uncle, Mathias Fisher." |
31 May 1915 |
Bushnell, McDonough Co., IL [22] |
Abel attends Civil War memorial exercises 1915 N. Fundenberger, Henry Sly, Joseph Lott and Abel Fisher attended the memorial exercises in Bushnell Monday." The clipping goes on to list the only Civil War veterans believed still surviving in the Blandinsville area, 16 men in total including Abel Fisher. |
12 Oct 1916 |
Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL |
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Hoskinson visit Blandinsville 1916 "Mr. and Mrs. Stuart F. Hoskinson of Hoopeston, Ill., is here for a visit with the members of the Fisher families of the community who are his relatives....He is an interesting and intelligent gentleman and a skilled artist in photography. While here be took a group picture of the members of the Fisher relatives in town, himself and wife included." |
22 Apr 1918 |
Malden, Dunklin Co., MO [23] |
Abel visits granddaughter Blanche Reynolds 1918 "Abel Fisher returned Monday from Maiden, Mo. where he visited his grand-daughter Blanche (Bissell) Reynolds." |
30 Apr 1919 |
Americus, Lyon Co., KS [24] |
Abel Fisher visits Henry Craig 1912 "Abel Fisher of McDonough county, Ill., was here the latter part,of the week visiting his relative, Henry Craig." |
03 Jan 1920 |
Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [25] |
- Only Abel and son Orville in this census. Wife/mother Ellen died 1917.
Abel's name spelled incorrectly as Able
Living with son Orville Fisher
Owns home, on a farm
Listed as widowed
Occupation: None
1920 US Census: E. D. No. 52, Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL, p 1B
4 Jan 1921 |
Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [26] |
- "To my son Orville B. Fisher the one half interest of all my Property, both Real and Personal of which I may die seized, to have and to hold the same during his natural life, at the death of my Son Orville B. Fisher all of his interests both real and personal is to go to my Daughter, Myrtle Bissell, in fee for ever.
The remaining one half interest of all my property, both real and personal of which I may die seized, is to go to my Daughter, Myrtle Bissell, in fee for ever."
Will: Abel Fisher 1921 (p1)
Will: Abel Fisher 1921 (p2)
11 Jun 1923 |
Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [27] |
- "Abel Fisher who has been sick for some time had a sinking spell Tuesday and is worse than he has been." The beginning of Abel's health declining to his death in 1924?
Abel Fisher sinking spell 1923
29 May 1924 |
Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [28] |
Abel Fisher dangerously ill
Death |
4 Aug 1924 |
Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [4, 5, 29, 30] |
- Death Certificate reads:
Time of death: 4:30 pm
Place: Blandinsville, IL
Cause: Arterio Sclerosis, gangreen of lower extremities, bries lower extremities
Informant: Oville Fisher (son) Blandinsville, IL
Occupation at time of death: Retired
- Died at home in Blandinsville IL
Funeral services as Christian Church in Blandinsville. Rev Leonard officiating
The I. O. O. F. Lodge of Blandinsville in charge of the services
Death Certificate: Abel Fisher 1924
Obituary: Abel Fisher 1924
Obituary: Abel Fisher 1924
Burial |
6 Aug 1924 |
Glade City Cemetery, Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [4, 5] |
- Undertaker: Lady & Martin, Blandinsville, IL
Headstone: Abel Fisher 1924 Plot: Lot 177, Gr4 |
Person ID |
I73 |
Main |
Last Modified |
23 Apr 2023 |