Name |
FISHER Orville Benjamin |
Nickname |
Bert |
Birth |
24 Aug 1873 |
Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [1, 2, 3] |
07 Jun 1880 |
Hire Township, McDonough Co., IL [4] |
- Occupation: At school
Aunt Flora Peck living with family in this census.
1880 US Census: E. D. No. 160, Hire Township, McDonough Co., IL, p 397C
4 Aug 1898 |
Macomb, McDonough Co., IL [5] |
- "Orville Fisher, Asa Langford and Geo. Monarch of Blandinsville are in jail here in default of $300 bonds, and will a wait the action of the grand jury. They are charged with burglarizing the cellar of Chas. Ballou of Blandinsville and taking some beer..."
Orville Fisher in jail for burglary and default of $300 bond
15 Sep 1898 |
Macomb, McDonough Co., IL [6] |
- Orville still in jail awaiting trial for burglary of Charles Baliou
Orville still in jail
25 Jun 1900 |
Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [7] |
- Occupation: Brick mason
Unemployed: four months
Can read and write
Renting house
1900 US Census: E. D. No. 50, Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL, p 17B
18 Jun 1904 |
Colchester, McDonough Co., IL [8] |
Oville Fisher arrested for public intoxication 1904 "Orval (should read Orville) Fisher and Edward Hamilton of Blandinsville was arrested Saturday night, the former being charged with intoxication and using profane language and the latter with intoxication and attempt to escape an officer....At the hearing before Magistrate Champ on Monday both plead guilty to the charges against them, the fine and costs in Hamilton's case amounting to $19.25. Fisher's fine and costs amounted to $8.09. Being unable to pay up or furnish bonds they were again committed to jail....Fisher remained in jail until yesterday when there arrived from Blandinsville the amount necessary to liberate him." |
12 Apr 1906 |
Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [9] |
Orville arrested for burglary and robbbery |
- Orville and Elmer Hamilton were arrested by Sheriff Taylor and Blandinsville constable M. H. Watson and charged with breaking into the Blandinsville railway depot, removing ten boxes of whiskey, but stealing only 2.5 gallons. Later the pair were alleged to have entered the home of Gila Ruperts and stolen a watch and $3. The article states that Orville Fisher was placed under $800 bonds, which he furnished and was released. Subsequent articles in the Macomb Journal suggest that even after his bond was reduced to $600 he remained in jail. No mention is made of Hamilton's bond.
Orville Fisher arrested for burglary and robbbery
7 Jun 1906 |
Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [10] |
- Article states Orville's bond for burglaries in Blandinsville reduced from $800 to $600 and that "He is still in jail but it is thought he will furnish bonds shortly." Later statement suggests Orville was likely in jail from April 1906 when the burglaries occurred until this date. Even $600 would have been alot of money for a rural family in Illinois int he early 1900s.
Orville Fisher bond reduced
5 Jul 1906 |
Macomb, McDonough Co., IL [11] |
- Orville posts $600 bail and is released from Macomb jail after three months. Bail money provided by cousin Charles Fisher and George Tunnicliff, unknown relation. Trial expected in Sep 1906.
Orville Fisher out on bond
2 Aug 1906 |
Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [12] |
- Only a month after being released on bond from the Macomb jail charged with "burglarizing the cellar of Chas. Ballou of Blandinsville and taking some beer," Orville is arrested for public drunkenness 2 Aug 1906 at the Farmer's community picnic in Blandinsville. He escapes jail that day and hides out in Blandinsville until Aug 4 (presumably at family or friends). He is re-arrested on Aug 4 south of Blandinsville while attempting to flee to Colchester. He was tried for drunk and disorderly conduct before the local Police Magistrate and sentenced to $25 payable in ten days. Orville skips town without paying sometime before Aug 9 when article was printed. A month later Orville will be arrested in Burlington IA charged with assault to commit rape of a five year old girl.
Orville arrested for public drunkenness, escapes, jail, re-arrested
13 Sep 1906 |
Burlington, Des Moines Co., IA [13] |
- "O. B. Fisher of this city is confined in the county jail at Burlington IA charged with the crime of making an assault on a little 5 year old girl in that city. The particulars at this time are a little meager but according to the Burlington Hawk-Eye it is claimed that the assault was made in a livery barn in that city. A crowd immediately gathered and caught Fisher and were taking him to the river with the intention of drowning him when the ollicers rescued bim and locked him up." Bond was set at $2000.
A serious charge 1906
27 Sep 1906 |
Macomb, McDonough Co., IL [14] |
- Continuance granted in case against Orville Fisher for burglary at Blandinsville Depot and the home of Gila Ruperts due to Orville being in jail in Burlington IA charged with assault on five y/o Esther Bailey in a livery stable in Burlington.
Abel Fisher court continuance on Blandinsville burglary
12 Oct 1906 to 15 Nov 1909 |
Men's Penitentiary, Fort Madison, Lee Co., IA [15] |
Serving prison time for assault to commit rape of five y/o girl |
- Entry reads:
Crime: Assault to commit rape, Term: 7 years
Committed: Oct 12, 1906 (presumably the date he was sentenced as the crime was likely occurred in Sept 1906), 1st offense
Occupation: Brick Layer
Complexion: meek, Mental Culture: fair, Habits: Intempret
Age 33, married, Religion: M. E.
Date of expiration with diminution: 11 Jul 1911
Released 15 Nov 1909, suspended sentence
Prison Record for Orville B. Fisher 1906-1909
18 Oct 1906 |
Burlington District Court, Des Moines Co., IA [16] |
Orville sentenced to seven years for assault to commit rape |
- Orville pleads guilty to assaulting five y/o Esther Bailey in a livery stable in Burlington IA ca. 12 Sep 1906. On or about 18 Oct 1906 (his prison record suggests 12 Oct 1906), he was sentenced to seven years in the state penitentiary in Fort Madison IA for assault to commit rape. He blamed his behavior on intoxication stating at the time of sentencing, "I was very drunk when I committed the crime, and didn't really know what I was doing. I have resolved to quit drinking and live a christian life from now on, and I ask you to be as lenient with me as you can. I would nerer have done what I did when sober. I think too much of my own children for that." Standing at his side when sentenced his wife Ella, his children Paul and Leslie, and father Abel Fisher. The article ends noting that "He did not have a good record at his home in Blandinsville, as he was under indictment there for burglary."
Abel Fisher sentenced to seven years for assault to commit rape
20 Dec 1906 |
Men's Penitentiary, Fort Madison, Lee Co., IA [17] |
- Orville writes the following poem in his prison scale at the Men's Penitentiary in Fort Madison IA and sends it to the Blandinsville Star-Gazette for publication. It is a lament on alcoholism. Interesting that despite pleading guilty to assault to commit rape of five y/o Esther Bailey, he proclaims he is innocent - "Though I am innocent of this crime,...he writes." He seems to take little personal responsibility for his actions, rather places the blame on alcohol itself and its affect on him. Recall this crime was not Orville's first alcohol related incident. He was arrested many times as far back as 1897 and as recent as a month prior to the crime against Esther Bailey, with little/no remorse shown in any case. Whether this poem marks the beginning of Orville's rehabilitation or is simply a plea for sympathy at the time is hard to tell. Worth noting there are no news reports of further alcohol rated crimes by Orville after his release from prison in 1909, though something happens between Orville and his first wife Ella that causes her to take their children and depart alone for Kansas sometime between 1917 and 1920, without seeking a divorce.
Orville laments alcohol use in poem written from Men's Penitentiary in Fort Madison IA
21 Apr 1910 |
Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [18] |
- Occupation: Brickmason, Lay Brick
1910 US Census: E. D. No. 42, Blandinsville Township, McDonough Co., IL, p 9A
10 Jul 1914 |
Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [19] |
- Orville arrested again for alcohol related theft along with Elmer Hamilton and Harvey Gilmore for "stealing forty-seven bottles of beer and one dollar in coin of the realm" from William Franklin. Taken to the Macomb jail. Bond set at $300.
Orville Fisher arrested again for alcohol-related theft
24 Mar 1916 |
Macomb, McDonough Co., IL [20] |
- In jail again for public drunkenness.
Orville Fisher arrested for public drunkeness
14 Apr 1916 |
Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [21] |
Orville assaults his cousin, Marshall Charles Fisher 1916 "On Friday, in county court, Orville Fisher, of Blandinsville, entered a plea of guilty to the charge of assaulting his cousin Charles Fisher, city marshall of Blandinsville. He asked for clemency and stated the assault would have never occurred had he not been drinking. He was fined $59 and costs amounting to nearly $100. He was also given a ten days sentence in the county jail....The assault occurred on March 14." |
1917 |
Macomb, McDonough Co., IL [2] |
- Address: Blandinsville IL
Occupation: Labor skill
Nearest relative: Ella Marguerite Fisher (wife), Blandinsville IL
Description: tall, slender, blue eyes, brown hair
WW I Draft Card: Orville Bert Fisher
03 Jan 1920 |
Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [22] |
- Occupation: Mason, Bricklayer
Orville shown living with his father Abel Fisher in 1920. Orville's wife Ella is found listed as a widow, and with their children Paul Vernon and Leslie living among Mexican salt miners in Harrison Township, Rice Co. KS. Ella left Orville sometime between the Apr 1910 census (where Ella and children Paul and Leslie are found living with Orville in Blandinsville IL) and this census in Jan 1920. Ella and Orville did not get divorced before she left because he sues her for divorce and custody of Leslie in Jul 1920. One imagines tensions were high between Orville and Ella from 1906 when he pled guilty to assault to commit rape of 5 y/o Esther Bailey in Burlington IA in 1906 (article above),. Ella and the children were forced to stand with him at sentencing which must have been very hard. One wonders at the type of husband/father Orville was when released from prison in Nov 1909 to cause Ella to leave with the children without a divorce. He is known to have had an alcohol problem from at least 1898 when is was first arrested for stealing liquor. Orville presumably loses the custody suit as Leslie remains in Kansas.
1920 US Census: E. D. No. 52, Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL, p 1B
27 Jul 1920 |
Macomb, McDonough Co., IL [23] |
- Ella left Orville sometime between his conviction and imprisonment for assault of five y/o Esther Bailey in Oct 1906 and this date. Here he sues for divorce and seeks custody of son Leslie who is living with his mother in Lyons KS.
Orville Fisher sues for divorce and custody of Leslie Fisher States that Orville and Ella lived together as married couple until 14 Jul 1917, "during which time he conducted himself as a true and indulgent husband. On the last named date without apparent reasonable cause the defendant left the plaintiff and has since persisted in her desertion. There are two children, Vernon Fisher, who is married and lives in Pittsburg, Kan., and Leslie Fisher, aged 17, who resides with the mother, at Lyons, Kansas." The "true and indulgent husband" line is laughable given Orville alcoholism and criminal history throughout their marriage. |
26 Apr 1930 |
Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [24] |
- Owns home, value $700
Occupation: Day Laborer, General
Not a veteran
Census lists Orville's age at first marriage as 47. He would have been 47 when he married Minnie Ray. He would have been ca 25 years old when he married his first wife Ella. Orville either miss-heard the question, responded incorrectly, or did not want to recognize his first marriage.
1930 US Census: E. D. No. 55-13, Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL, p 2A
9 Jun 1938 |
Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [25] |
Leslie Fisher family visits Orville 1938 Twenty one years after first wife Margreturite Ella Fisher leaves Orville with their two sons, Paul (18 y/o) and Leslie (15y/o), in tow, Leslie returns to Blandinsville to visit his father. |
22 Apr 1940 |
Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [26] |
- Owns house, value $75 (must be incorrect, much too low)
Highest grade of education: H-3
Living in same house 1 Apr 1935
Unemployed, retired
Other income: yes
1940 US Census: E. D. No. 55-12, Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL, p 1B
3 Dec 1942 |
Iowa State University, Ames, Story Co., IA [27] |
Paul sends father Orville card from Iowa State 1942 By this time it seems Paul has also reconciled with his father. Tells him he is serving as a Second Pharmacist's Mate at the US naval training station at Iowa State University. |
16 Nov 1944 |
Macomb, McDonough Co., IL [28] |
Orville and Minnie Fisher visiting from Macomb 1944
2 Apr 1950 |
Macomb, McDonough Co., IL [29] |
- Address: 121 1/2 Hardesty Pl, Macomb IL
Occupation: unemployed
1950 US Census: E. D. No. 55-33, Macomb, McDonough Co., IL, sht 2
Death |
9 Jun 1958 |
Prairie City, McDonough Co., IL [3, 30] |
Age: 84 |
Cause: Bronchopneumonia |
- Died Westfall Nursing Home, Prairie City IL
Services at Lady-Sargent Funeral Home Macomb IL
Rev William Nelson, Littleton Baptist Church officiating
Memorial Record: Fisher, Orville - 1958, p 1
Memorial Record: Orville Fisher - 1958, p 2
Memorial Record: Orville Fisher - 1958, p 3
Memorial Record: Orville Fisher - 1958, p 4
Burial |
11 Jun 1958 |
Glade City Cemetery, Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [30] |
Person ID |
I217 |
Main |
Last Modified |
5 Feb 2023 |