Fisher Family Genealogy
GRAFF, Teophiel

Name GRAFF, Teophiel Birth 19 May 1835 Montreal, Quebec, CN [1]
- "Teophiel Graff was born near Montreal, Canada, May 19th, 1835."
CENSUS 5 Aug 1850 St. Charles Co., MO [2]
- Named spelled Tuffiel in census
Living with father Charles Graf (Graff)
Occupation: farmer
1850 US Census: District 78, St. Charles Co., MO MILI 1863-1865 St. Charles Township, St. Charles Co., MO [3]
- Teophiel's name spelled incorrectly as Theofille
Birthplace listed incorrectly as Missouri
Married, farmer
Civil War draft registration: Teophiel Graff CENSUS 21 Jul 1870 Brunswick, Chariton Co., MO [4]
- Name spelled Dofield vs Teophiel
Occupation farmer
Value of real estate: the $800
Value of Personal property: $100
1870 US Census: Township 56 Range 21, Chariton Co., MO
Associated post office: Brunswick, MOCENSUS 2 Jun 1880 Cunningham Township, Chariton Co., MO [5]
- Name spelled as Tofield Greff
Occupation: farmer
1880 US Census: E. D. No. 176, Cunningham Township, Chariton Co., KS CENSUS 1900 Eureka Township, Kingman Co., KS [6]
- Occupation: farmer
Cannot read and write
Owns farm free of mortgage
1900 US Census: E.D. 108, Eureka Township, Kingman Co., KS CENSUS 20 Apr 1910 Penalosa, Kingman Co., KS [7]
- Occupation: own income
Cannot read and write
Own home, free of mortgage
1910 US Census: E. D. No. 96, Penalosa, Kingman Co., KS EVENT Apr 1913 Penalosa, Kingman Co., KS [8]
Mr. and Mrs. T. Graff ill 1913
"Mr. and Mrs. T. Graff, who have been having a severe attack of the grip for several weeks, are improving in health. Mr. Graff was able to be out on the streets Tuesday for the first time in three weeks."EVENT 7 Aug 1913 Penalosa, Kingman Co., KS [9]
T. Graff buys windmill 1913
"T. Graff has purchased a new Perkins windmill which will be erected at his residence on Cedar street."EVENT 4 Jun 1914 Penalosa, Kingman Co., KS [10]
Teophiel Graff ill 1914
"Frank Graff was here Saturday on account of the serious illness of his father. The old gentleman came near bleeding to death from a bursted blood vessel in his nose."EVENT 7 Oct 1916 Calexico, Imperial Co., CA [11]
Teophiel Graff to winter with son in CA 1916
"Teophiel Graff left, Saturday morning for Calexico, California. He expects to spend the winter there and at Los Angeles."EVENT 17 Jan 1918 Turon, Reno Co., KS [12]
Teophiel Graff sick w pneumonia 1918
"Teophiel Graft' who makes his home here with his son, Frank Graff, is quite sick, threatened with an attack of pneumonia."CENSUS 5 Jan 1920 Turon, Reno Co., KS [13]
- Address: First Ave.
Living with family of daughter Aurelia and husband Andrew Swan
Year of immigration to US: 1842
Year of naturalization: 1883
Occupation none
Cannot read and write
1920 US Census: E. D. No. 188, Turon, Reno Co., KS, sht 2A EVENT 27 Oct 1921 Turon, Reno Co., KS [14]
Teophiel Graff suffering from cancer 1921
"Teophiel Graff, who has been suffering for some time with cancer of the bladder, is very critically ill at this writing. His son, Jacob Graff, is here from California to assist in caring for him." Teophiel died shortly after this article, on 6 Nov 1921.Death 6 Nov 1921 Turon, Reno Co., KS [1]
- "He died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Swan, on Nov. 6, 1921, aged eighty-six years, five months and eighteen days."
Obituary: Teophiel Graff 1921 Burial 7 Nov 1921 Lerado Cemetery, Reno Co., KS [1]
- "Funeral services were held at the U. B. church in Penalosa at two o'clock Monday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Horner, and burial was in the cemetery at Lerado by the grave of his wife."
Headstone: Emily Graff
Per his obit, husband Teophiel Graff (d. 1921) was buried next to his wife Emily. Appears his name and details were never carved onto the blank side of Emily's headstone.
Plot: B.168.1 and 2Person ID I1838 Main Last Modified 18 Mar 2023
Family DUROCHER, Emily, b. 21 Apr 1836, St. Charles Co., MO d. 28 Dec 1915, Penalosa, Kingman Co., KS
(Age 79 years)
Marriage 14 Jan 1856 St. Charles, St. Charles Co., MO [1, 15, 16]
- "He was united in marriage to Miss Emily Duroche (Durocher) on Jan. 14, 1856 and to this union were born nine children, four of whom died in infancy."
- "She was married to Teophiel Graff at St. Charles, Mo. Jan. 14, 1856."
- Married by Catholic priest
Marriage record: Teophiel Graff and Emily Durocher 1856
Named in document as Theopile Greffe and Emilie DurocharChildren 1. GRAFF Frank Teophiel, b. 6 Nov 1856, Michigan d. 4 Mar 1946, Boone Co., AR
(Age 89 years) [Birth]
2. GRAFF, Zoe, b. 1860, Missouri [Birth]
+ 3. GRAFF, Aurelia, b. 1867 [Birth] 4. GRAFF, Eugene, b. 1869 [Birth] 5. GRAFF, Rosa, b. 1874 [Birth] Photos Teophiel Graff family Family ID F584 Group Sheet | Family Chart Last Modified 18 Mar 2023
Event Map = Link to Google Earth
Pin Legend : Address
: Location
: City/Town
: County/Shire
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: Country
: Not Set
Documents Crossed the plains in 1853
Account of Teophiel Graff working as a teamster, scout and mail man for various trading companies, driving wagons and mail along the route from Kansas City to Laramie WY to Bridger UT. He's describes several encounters with Indians including a Massacre of US Army troops at Fort Laramie in the fall of 1854 in a dispute over a single sickly cow - "The Indians soon surrounded the soldiers and not one of them escaped. Mr. Graff witnessed the killing and scalping of thirty four people." He also tells of walking 108 miles on foot in winter to deliver mail from Fort Laramie to Fort Vaskett - "He traveled alone and on foot and made one trip a month. Besides the mail, he carried food and bedding, as there were no settlements between the forts. He saw thousands of buffalos in one herd. The animals were on every side of him as far as he could see at times."Early Days in the West
"T. Graff Tells More of His Experiences on the frontier in the 50s." In this installment, Theophiel Graff tells of being caught in quicksand moving logs across the Platte river near the Bordo trading post; of being caught in a snowstorm near Fort Laramie, forced to survive in five feet of snow for over a week on the meat from a old dead mule; and encountering a large bear while picking cherries, his gun not to hand to defend himself. He also relates a humorous story he was told about how the Sweetwater River in Wyoming got its name - "...a freighter (wagon pulled by oxen) was approaching the stream with a load of sugar when his thristy oxen, smelling the water, ran to the river, going over the bank and upsetting the sugar into the water."
Sources - [S141] News articles: Turon Weekly Press, Turon, KS, (Turon Weekly Press, Turon, KS), 10 Nov 1921, p 1 (Reliability: 2).
- [S662] 1850 US Census, Missouri, (, 5 Aug 1850, p 27 (Reliability: 2).
- [S455] Provost Marshal General’s Bureau (Civil War), US Civil War Draft Registration Records, 1863-1865. , (, 1863-1865, p 166 (Reliability: 2).
- [S119] 1870 US Census, Missouri , (Ancestry,com), 21 Jul 1870, p 133 (Reliability: 2).
- [S117] 1880 US Census, Missouri , (Ancestry,com), 2 Jun 1880, E. D. No 176, p 3 (Reliability: 2).
- [S664] 1900 US Census, Kansas, (, 1900, E. D. No. 108, sht 2 (Reliability: 2).
- [S663] 1910 US Census, Kansas, (, 20 Apr 1910, E. D. No. 96, sht 9A (Reliability: 2).
- [S661] News articles: Penalosa News, Penalosa, KS , (Penalosa News, Penalosa, KS ), 6 Mar 1913, p 5 (Reliability: 2).
- [S661] News articles: Penalosa News, Penalosa, KS , (Penalosa News, Penalosa, KS ), 7 Aug 1913, p 5 (Reliability: 2).
- [S661] News articles: Penalosa News, Penalosa, KS , (Penalosa News, Penalosa, KS ), 4 Jun 1914, p 5 (Reliability: 2).
- [S141] News articles: Turon Weekly Press, Turon, KS, (Turon Weekly Press, Turon, KS), 12 Oct 1916, p 5 (Reliability: 2).
- [S141] News articles: Turon Weekly Press, Turon, KS, (Turon Weekly Press, Turon, KS), 17 Jan 1918, p 5 (Reliability: 2).
- [S615] 1920 US Census, Kansas , (, 5 Jan 1920, p 2A (Reliability: 2).
- [S141] News articles: Turon Weekly Press, Turon, KS, (Turon Weekly Press, Turon, KS), 27 Oct 1921, p 5 (Reliability: 2).
- [S365] Missouri Marriage Records, 1805-2002, (, 14 Jan 1856, p 109 (Reliability: 2).
- [S141] News articles: Turon Weekly Press, Turon, KS, (Turon Weekly Press, Turon, KS), 7 Jan 1915, p 8 (Reliability: 2).
- [S141] News articles: Turon Weekly Press, Turon, KS, (Turon Weekly Press, Turon, KS), 10 Nov 1921, p 1 (Reliability: 2).