Name |
FISHER Matthias [1, 2] |
- From History of McDonough County,, Illinois by S. J. Clark(D. W. Lusk, state printer, Springfield, IL, 1885):
"Mathias Fisher is a native of Illinois, having been born in Hancock county, on the 24th of September, 1840. He remained on a farm in that county until eight years of age, his parents then removing to McDonough county and making a settling in Blandinsville township, on section 29, near the present site of the village of Blandinsville. His father rented at first, and remained there until 1856, when he removed to Henderson county, and seven years later to Hancock county, where he remained a number of years, following, as he did in each of the other county's, agricultural pursuits. He again came to McDonough county, and settled near Blandinsville, where he died in 1874. Up to the time of his father's death, Mathias resided in Hire township, he having been married on the 17th of October, 1876, to Eliza A. Cotton, a native of the state of Kentucky. They removed from Hire township, in 1877, to their present quarters, which constitutes 76 acres of well improved land. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher are now the parents of one child--Francis M., who resides at home. Mrs. Fisher's mother, at present, lives in Hire township, at an advanced age. As a citizen, Mr. Fisher is highly respected for his many good qualities."
- From History of Adair County by Violette, E. M, and C. N Tolman (The Denslow History Company, Kirksville, Mo., 1911):
MATTHIAS FISHER is a native of Hancock County,Illinois. He was born September 24,1840, a son of Thomas and Elizabeth Fisher. He was married December 15,1867, to Eliza N. Cotton, who died March 7, 1898. They had one child Francis Marion, born January 15, 1870, and died in Knox County, April 14, 1894. He was again married in March, 1899, to Ida May Maddox. He was married the last time December 24, 1906, to Nancy J. Duggin. They have no children. Mr. Fisher is a member of Norcross Post, G. A. R., Novelty, Missouri. He served three years in 91st Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and took part in many important battles, among which are the following engagements: Spanish Fort, Alabama; Mobile, Whistler, Alabama; Morganzie's Bend, Louisiana; Bacon Creek, Kentucky. He owns a farm of 150 acres near the county line, north of La Plata. Mr. Fisher is a Republican in politics.
Nickname |
Fide |
Birth |
24 Sep 1840 |
Illinois [2, 3] |
01 Oct 1850 |
Township 8 N 6 W, Henderson Co., IL [4] |
- A few errors by census-taker: John and Margaret were born in Pennsylvania to Thomas and his first wife Mary Kells Fisher. Cyrus should read Matthias. Have seen no other reference to Matthias' first or middle name being Cyrus.
1850 US Census: Township 8N 6W, Henderson Co., IL
22 Aug 1860 |
LaHarpe Township, Hancock Co., IL [5] |
- Occupation: farm laborer
Attending school
1860 US Census: LaHarpe Township, Hancock Co., IL, p 716
7 Aug 1862 to 12 Jul 1865 [6, 7, 8, 9] |
Agency: Civil War, 91st Illinois Infantry, Co. B |
- Enlisted: 7 Aug 1862, Terra Haute, Henderson Co., IL under J. A. James
Mustered into service: 8 Sep 1862, Camp Butler, Springfield, IL under Lt. Boies
Description: age 22, 5'-11", fair complexion, brown hair, dark eyes
Occupation: Farmer
Nativity: Hancock Co., IL
Served 91st Illinois Infantry Co. B as Private
Mustered out: 15 Jul 1865, Mobile, AL by Lt. Hook
- Concise history of 91st Regiment, Illinois Infantry from the National Park Service:
OVERVIEW: Organized at Camp Butler, Ill., and mustered in September 8, 1862. Moved to Shephardsville, Ky., October 1-7, 1862. Attached to Railroad Guard, Department of the Ohio, to December, 1862. District of St. Louis, Mo., February to July, 1863. 2nd Brigade, Herron's Division, 13th Army Corps, Department of the Tennessee, July, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 13th Army Corps, Dept. of the Tennessee, to August, and Dept. of the Gulf to October, 1863. 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 13th Army Corps, to June, 1864. U.S. forces Texas, Dept. of the Gulf, to August, 1864. Garrison Brazos Santiago, Texas, to December, 1864. Defences of New Orleans, La., Dept. of the Gulf, to February, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 13th Army Corps, Military Division West Mississippi, to July, 1865.
Guarding Louisville & Nashville R. R. and scouting through Kentucky after Morgan October 7 to December 27, 1862. Actions with Morgan at Nolin Station and Bacon Creek December 26, and at Elizabethtown, Ky., December 27. Regiment captured and paroled December 28. On duty as paroled prisoners of war at Benton Barracks, Mo., February 28 to June 5, 1863. Exchanged June 5, 1863. Moved to Vicksburg, Miss., July 8-15, thence to Port Hudson, La., July 24-25 and to New Orleans, La., August 13. At New Orleans till September 5. Moved to Morganza Bend September 5-6. Action at Morgan's Ferry, Atchafalaya River, September 7. Morganza September 8. Duty at Morganza till October 10. Moved to New Orleans, La., October 10-11; thence to Point Isabel, Texas, October 23-November 3. March to Brownsville November 6-9, and frontier duty there till July 28, 1864. Raid to Salt Lake December 31, 1862-January 9, 1864. Moved to Brazos Santiago July 28-30, and garrison duty there till December 24, 1864. Operations near Brazos Santiago August 4-15. Palmetto Ranch September 6. Action Bagdad September 11. Bocca Chica Pass October 14. Moved to New Orleans December 24-29 and duty there till February 21, 1865. Campaign against Mobile, Ala., and its defences February 21-April 12. Siege of Spanish Fort and Fort Blakely March 26-April 8. Assault on and capture of Fort Blakely April 9. Occupation of Mobile April 12. Whistler's Station April 13. March to Nanahubba Bluffs, Tombigbee River, and duty there till May 9. Moved to Mobile and duty there till July. Mustered out July 12 and discharged at Chicago, Ill., July 28, 1865.
Regiment lost during service 12 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 131 Enlisted men by disease. Total 144.
A more detailed history of the regiment can be found in the Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Illinois (1900-1902) here.
Matthias Fisher Civil War Pension File Matthias' military service records suggest that he was not the best of soldiers. In his record of service dated 27 Oct 1910, he is listed as absent without leave from 10 Jan 1863 to 1 Mar 1863, returning to duty voluntarily. Oct and Dec 1963 finds him absent sick. From 30 April 1864 to 30 June 1864 Matthias is shown as "absent in arrest." The cause is detailed in a document dated 9 Dec 1912: "Tried by general court martial for sleeping upon his post. Was found guilty and sentenced to be confined at hard labor for 6 months." The same document states his sentence commuted to three months confinement on 25 May 1864. Matthias' health is described often in his pension applications and several affidavits by friends and neighbors. The most complete report is found in the medical exam performed at Kirksville MO dated 11 Nov 1891 which states Matthias suffers from stomach, kidney problems and piles. Interestingly, the Bureau of Pensions learns of Matthias' death from an envelope postmarked 30 Mar 1915 at Washington DC, 2 Apr at La Plata MO, and again on Apr 6 at the pension office in Washington DC. It contained a letter to Matthias requesting information on his birth. marriage, spouse, and children. The La Plate Postmaster returned the envelope unopened, marked "deceased" and stamped "Return to Sender." The pension office replies by letter to the Postmaster asking him to provide Matthias' date of death. The Postmaster returns "Feb 22 1915." |
Civil War Service Record: Matthias Fisher
91st Illinois Infantry Civil War Muster Roll Matthias is on line 5 |
91st Illinois Infantry Civil War Muster Roll Matthias is on line 5 |
29 Jun 1870 |
Hire Township, McDonough Co., IL [10] |
- Occupation: Farmer.
Value of real estate: $3000
Value of person property: $700
Census: 1870 U.S. - Hire Township, McDonough Co., IL, p 16
12 Jun 1880 |
Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [11] |
- Occupation: Farmer.
Family of Mathias' brother-in-law Christopher Cotton living next door.
1880 US Census: E. D. No. 154, Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL, p 19
26 Sep 1889 |
Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [12] |
Fide Fisher sells farm In Blandinsville and moves to Knox Co MO 1889 Sold to J. Huston |
Jun 1890 |
Salt River Township, Knox Co., MO [13] |
- Rank: Private.
Company/Regiment:, B, 91 Ill Inf.
Enlistment Date: 7 Aug 1862
Discharge Date: 12 July 1865.
Length of Service (Y/M/D): 2/11/5
Post Office: Novelty Knox Co., MO
1890 U.S. Veterans Census: E. D. No.101, Salt River Township, Knox Co., MO, p 2
09 Jun 1900 |
Shelton Township, Knox Co., MO [14] |
- Listed as a boarder
Born Sept 1840
Occupation: Farmer
Can read/write and speak english.
Sarah (Higgs) Murray whom Matthias is living with in this census is the daughter of Jane (Fisher) Botts and her first husband Joseph Higgs. Jane is step-sister to Matthias born of Thomas and Mary (Kells) Fisher. The census shows Jane living next door to Matthias with the family of John Botts, one of Jane's sons with her second husband Rufus Botts. Sarah's husband Oscar Murray is related to Flora Murray who married Jane's brother and Matthias' step brother John K. Fisher.
1900 US Census: Shelton Township, Knox Co., MO, sht 4A
28 Feb 1906 |
Knox Co., MO [15] |
Matthias Fisher sells farm in Knox Co. MO 1906 Presumably coincides with Matthias moving to the Illinois Bend area of Adair Co., MO where he meets and marries Nancy Jane (Dugan) Parsons in Dec 1906 |
3 Oct 1906 |
Novelty, Knox Co., MO [16] |
Family attends Jane Botts funeral 1906 "Uncle Mathias Fisher, accompanied by Mrs. Mattie Bushnell and Mrs. Mary Atterberry, of Illinois Bend, attended the funeral of his sister, aunt Jane Botts, Tuesday, returning home that evening." |
21 Apr 1910 |
Pettis Township, Adair Co., MO [17] |
- Under married Matthias marked M2 for second marriage. Actually Matthias' 3rd.
Nancy marked M1. Matthias was her 2nd husband after John W. Parsons
Living with Matthias and Nancy, (Francis) Mary D. age 12, Nancy's child by another man, the D perhaps standing for Dugan, Nancy's maiden name.
Occupation: general farm
Can read and write
1910 Us Census: E. D. 18, Pettis Township, Adair Co., Mo, p 3B
28 May 1914 |
La Plata, Macon Co., MO [18] |
Fife Fisher adds new granary 1914 "Uncle Fide Fisher is adding more improvements to his farm by making nice new grainery." Indicates Matthias was still active farming and making improvement to his farm only a year before dying of stomach cancer. |
11 Jun 1914 |
Blandinsville, McDonough Co., IL [19] |
Matthias attends funeral for brother Thomas Fisher 1914 "Among others who were here from a distance to attend the funeral of the late Thomas Fisher was his brother Matthias Fisher of LaPlata, Mo. He is a prosperous farmer in one of the richest portions of the state along the Chariton river, and is an intelligent and progressive agriculturalist." |
Oct 1914 |
La Plata, Macon Co., MO [20] |
Mr. and Mrs. Abel Fisher visit brother Mathias Fisher 1914 "Mr. and Mrs. Abe Fisher returned Monday from a two week's visit with his brother Matthais Fisher at LaPlata, Missouri. We are sorry to hear that be very is very sick and is improving very slowly if at all." |
7 Feb 1915 |
La Plata, Macon Co., MO [21] |
Abel visiting brother Matthias in La Plata 1915 "Abe Fisher went to LaPlata, Mo last Sunday where be was called by the sickness of his brother Mathias Fisher who is in a dangerous condition. His trouble is with his stomach and is probably cancer." |
19 Feb 1915 |
Illinois Bend, Adair Co., MO [22] |
Uncle Fide "real low with stomach trouble" 1915 The beginning of the end for Matthias. He dies 5 days later. |
Death |
22 Feb 1915 |
Illinois Bend, Adair Co., MO [7, 23, 24, 25] |
- "Uncle Mathias Fisher of Illinois Bend passed away Sund y at 8:30 a. m. after an
extended period of sickness from cancer of the stomach."
- "The remains were conveyed to the home of his nephew, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lockette, just north of here, on Tuesday."
- "The funeral was in charge of the War Cross Post of Novelty, of which he had long
been a member,"
Obituary: Matthias Fisher 1915
Fide Fisher dies 1915 "The funeral services were held near Locust Hill yesterday morning. Deceased leaves a wife (Nancy Jane) and a step-daughter (Francis Mary) to mourn his death." |
Abel Fisher and Mr. and Mrs John Atebery attend funeral for Matthias Fisher 1915 "Uncle Abe Fisher of Blandinsville, Ill., accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Atterberry (Ateberry)over here last week and attended the funeral of their brother and uncle, Mathias Fisher." |
Burial |
24 Feb 1915 |
Novelty Cemetery, Novelty, Knox Co., MO [23, 24] |
- "After funeral services. which were held Wednesday at 10 a.m., the remains were taken Novelty and laid to rest by the side of his former wife (Eliza) and only child (Francis Marion) who preceded him several years ago."
Headstone: Matthias Fisher Plot: Row 2, Plot 28
East Half |
Person ID |
I101 |
Main |
Last Modified |
24 Dec 2023 |